Students and Faculty at Global Challenges Conference

March 7, 2014

Tererai TrentTererai Trent, PhD, a professor in the Global Health Certificate program and Oprah's all-time favorite guest, will be a keynote speaker on March 13, 2014 at a Drexel University conference exploring how innovation, technology, and shifting social and political forces impact contemporary understandings of gender.

In addition, Professor Randy Sell will moderate a panel, and numerous students will present their research.

Dr. Rashad Shabazz, an expert in the geographies of gender and racism, will also give a keynote. 

The full day conference will bring together a multi-disciplinary group of students, academics, and activists to address a diverse set of issues related to this year’s topic of GENDER. This conference offers students opportunities to share their research and engage in critical reflection and dialogue about sex and gender as it relates to the diverse disciplines of health, education, science, human rights, technology, medicine, law, media, economics, politics, culture and history.

There will be six student panels open to undergraduate and graduate students.

  • Global Science, Technology, and Society
  • Global Health
  • Global Media, Culture, and Arts
  • Global Justice and Human Rights
  • Global Business and Economics Trends
  • Global Political and Social Trends

Visit the Office of International Programs for more and a complete schedule.